Composite Bonding  – 7 ‘Toothful’ Reasons Why It Might Be The Right Choice For You

Let’s face it, we Brits are notorious for being the butt of jokes about having crooked or discoloured teeth, but now this age-old stereotype is being challenged. Nowadays, the British population spends hundreds, if not thousands, of pounds each year on oral health care. Their desire to have a smile that feels healthy and looks great is driving the cosmetic dental boom.

Take treatments like composite bonding, for instance. It’s a cost-effective and instant way to change the appearance of a smile while maintaining optimum functionality. Moreover, It’s now the second most popular cosmetic dental treatment in the UK behind teeth whitening.

In fact, in 2020 alone, UK dentists saw a 12% increase in Brits seeking cosmetic dental treatments like composite bonding, and it shows no sign of slowing, with the global market predicted to grow around 5% year on year.

So, if you aren’t happy with your current smile, you’re not alone. But what if you aren’t convinced? What if you’re still on the fence about whether to undergo cosmetic treatments like composite dental bonding?

Don’t worry, because here are seven great reasons that may help you to make up your mind.  

Reason #1 – it’s pain-free!

It’s true! Because the process involves applying a tooth-coloured composite resin to the front surface of the teeth, there is no drilling or anaesthetic involved. It’s quick, easy, and non-invasive and is typically completed in just one sitting, thus saving you time and money.

Reason #2 – It’s a faster alternative to dental crowns or veneers

While dental crowns and porcelain veneers can also hide blemished, chipped, or cracked teeth, the processes needed to complete the smile transformation will usually take several sittings. Restorations are often custom-made in a dental lab and can involve the patient being fitted with temporary prosthetics while their permanent crowns or veneers are being made. Not so with composite veneers. The resin is mixed up and applied directly to the teeth in one easy sitting. Once applied the bonding material is shaped, hardened, and polished to give you an instant smile transformation. 

Reason #3 – Unlike veneers, composite bonding is reversible

Here’s the thing… If you opt for porcelain veneers, it can be an irreversible process meaning you’ll always need to wear them. Why? Because for the veneer to sit flush in the smile line, a small amount of tooth enamel may need to be removed. Because tooth enamel cannot regenerate, the affected tooth will always need protection – hence the need to wear veneers permanently.  

On the contrary, when you choose composite bonding, there is no such tampering with the tooth. If you later change your mind, preferring to opt for something more permanent, you can. 

Reason #4 – Instant smile transformation

Let’s face it. We live in a world where we expect everything to be is done fast – from getting our shopping delivered to surfing the net and, in a way, composite bonding fits into this ethos of now or never. What other dental treatment enables you to walk in with a smile you’re not happy with and walk out with a total transformation?

Composite bonding can change a smile that’s blemished, cracked, or crooked in just one dental appointment without undergoing invasive or uncomfortable treatments. How’s that for service? 

Reason #5 – It’s cheap!

Okay, so composite bonding won’t last as long as other cosmetic treatments like porcelain veneers, but you’re not going to pay veneers money either. For example, here at Foxbury Dental, our prices start at £150 per tooth. When you consider that you’ll pay anything north of £650 for a porcelain veneer, it’s easy to see why composite bonding represents good value for money if you’re looking to get the smile transformation you want.

Reason #6 – it’s a multifunctional treatment

If you thought that composite bonding was just for fixing teeth that are chipped or cracked, you might want to think again. Tooth bonding can also be used to

  • close uneven tooth gapping
  • give the appearance of straighter teeth
  • alter the size and shape of teeth, making them appear more even and
  • hide deep tooth staining or blemishes

Composite bonding really is the Swiss army knife of dental treatments. Multifunctional and effective, it can be used to alter how your smile will look in mild to moderate cosmetic cases without impacting bite functionality.  

Reason #7 – Maintenance is easy

Once you’ve undergone composite dental bonding, maintenance is easy. There is no need for special cleaning tools or products. Instead, simply brush with a non-abrasive toothpaste and avoid stain-inducing foods or beverages. Oh, and don’t use your teeth as bottle top openers or ice picks 😊. Do these things, and you should have a set of composite bonded teeth that go the distance.  

As a top tip –  it might not always be possible to stick to a ‘white’ diet, but if you do want to prevent foods and beverages like Coca-Cola, red wine, or tomato sauce from staining your teeth, you might want to drink through a straw or ensure a thorough brushing after every meal or stain-inducing beverage.      

So there you have it, seven great reasons to consider composite bonding for your imperfect smile.

Remember, composite bonding may not last as long as other treatments like dental veneers or crowns, but you’re not paying the money or undergoing the inconvenience either. Besides, you can always revisit us for a ‘touch-up’ procedure. A touch-up visit helps keep any initial bonding looking fresh while saving you money on more permanent treatments.

Our dentist is highly skilled at colour-matching the bonding material to your existing look for a flawless finish, so all you have to do is give us your undivided attention for 30 minutes and you get to walk out with a revamped smile.

Get in touch and transform your smile fast today!

If you are considering composite bonding or any other cosmetic smile transformation, come and talk to the team at Foxbury Dental. As a private dentist in Leicestershire, we take the time to listen to your needs and work with you to achieve the smile you really want.

Don’t sit wondering what your smile could look like. Find out for yourself by undergoing a smile consultation with our Foxbury dentist. Call us on 01858 455 100 or book an appointment below. With interest-free finance plans available, there’s never been a better time to get that life-changing look you want. 


Harper’s Bazaar –  What A Dentist Wants You To Know About Veneers – How Long Does Tooth Bonding Last?

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