Understandably, during these unprecedented times, not everyone is happy to visit the dentist. So, to help support patient’s needs, we’re proud to launch a video consultation service from our private dental practice in Husbands Bosworth.

It’s a way for us to keep in touch with patients in our local community and ensures that their oral health remains a top priority.

And because of COVID you get to meet your dentist face to face without either of you needing to wear a mask.

Why have a video consultation?

  • Easy access to a private dentist from the comfort of your own home or workplace.
  • Greater safety for those people who fall into the ‘vulnerable’ category and would prefer to shield.
  • The ability to get assessed quickly – ideal if you have oral issues that need addressing.
  • The receiving of quality advice from Dr Jimenez and her team on possible treatment options available.

How does a video consultation work?

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Complete the registration form and book a video consultation

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Choose a date and time that suits

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We will send you confirmation and take payment

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Once payment has been taken, you’re all set!

If you’re concerned about your oral health but don’t feel entirely comfortable about visiting our private dental practice in person, then go ahead and book yourself a video consultation with Foxbury Dental. We’ll ensure that your dental health remains a priority – pandemic or not!