Cosmetic Dentistry and Self Confidence – Is There A Connection?

As February is International Self-Esteem Month, it got us thinking about cosmetic dentistry and how it can help with self-confidence. In this article, we’ll explore if cosmetic dentistry can make that much of a difference and whether it can transform your life.

Ready? Let’s dive in…

The impact of a beautiful smile

There’s no denying that a beautiful smile can have a hugely positive impact on an individual, and one that goes way beyond enhancing one’s appearance. When you’re confident about your smile, evidence suggests that it also imparts that confidence into other areas of your life. 

Take the very act of smiling, for example, it’s thought to release ‘feel-good’ endorphins that reduce stress, improve wellbeing and alleviate feelings of depression. Moreover, the better you feel, the more you’ll want to smile. You could say that sporting a healthy grin is akin to a self-perpetuating cure for all ills.   

But wait, there’s more!

A warm smile is an incredibly powerful thing. The act of smiling means that others will typically look upon you as a happy and content person and that in itself can be a real confidence boost to your self-esteem. When you look good and feel good, it shows!

On the flip side, people who don’t smile are seen as untrustworthy or unapproachable and this can have a negative impact on self-esteem.

Essentially, the psychological impact of a beautiful smile knows no bounds and is one that not only transforms the way you feel but also the way others feel about you.

The good news is that you don’t have to undergo invasive surgical treatments to achieve a great-looking smile. At Foxbury Dental, for example, we provide the latest cosmetic dental procedures that deliver outstanding transformative results. So, let’s take a look at some of them.

Cosmetic bonding

If you have chipped or discoloured teeth, then talk to us about dental bonding. Essentially, this quick and easy transformation utilises a tooth-coloured resin (the same material used on white fillings) to transform a problem tooth or teeth. Our dentist simply applies the composite material, hardens it with a curing light and polishes the area revealing a flawless finish, and one you’ll be proud to show off.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is by far the most common cosmetic dental procedure with approximately 6 million Brits having undergone this treatment, and for many, it’s a real game-changer. The process involves the application of a bleaching gel to the surface of the teeth to remove extrinsic or intrinsic stains and discolouration. Treatments can be carried out either in the comfort of the home using professional take-home kits, or chairside with laser teeth whitening. With laser teeth whitening in particular, patients may notice a difference within just one single one-hour treatment. Take-home kits take a little longer but the results can be equally as impressive.


For those with deeper ingrained staining or tooth chips, porcelain veneers provide the perfect solution. Durable and aesthetically brilliant, veneers provide an instant transformation. Designed to fit over the front surface of the tooth, veneers can alter the colour, size, shape and alignment of teeth without any invasive drilling, scraping or fixing. 


If crooked teeth are causing self-esteem issues, then it might pay to consider clear aligners. Like conventional braces, they’re designed to be worn in the mouth to straighten teeth. But unlike braces, the process is carried out minus any visible brackets and wiring. 

As aligner technology is becoming more advanced, these almost invisible appliances are beginning to take on more complex misalignments. So, if you are sporting a crooked smile, you might want to ask us about how clear aligner therapy can help.  

Full smile makeover

Finally, If your smile has multiple issues, many dental practices now offer bespoke full smile makeover treatment. It’s a surefire way to boost self-esteem and incorporates several tailored treatments that collectively, have the power to transform your look. 

These include but are not limited to:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Veneers, 
  • Clear aligners, and even,
  • Antiwrinkle treatments like Botox

Just imagine not only improved aesthetics but the positive effects a brand new healthy smile can have on your social well-being. 

Boosting self-esteem with cosmetic dentistry

In a nutshell, a beautifully crafted smile gives you the freedom to express joy and pleasure without reservation. Any newfound confidence gained from sporting a great-looking smile can permeate into all aspects of life, including friendships, careers and even relationships. Moreover, as confidence increases, opportunities for personal and professional success are never far behind.

Want to know more about how you can improve your smile and boost your self-esteem? Contact the team at Foxbury Dental. Remember, investing in your smile means investing in you and we’d love to help you do just that! 

Book a consultation today!

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Foxbury Dental is at the forefront of dentistry, keeping up to date with techniques, technology and all things teeth. Keep smiling with us with free advice and news.